Synthia Robin
Synthia is 19 years old. She was born on June 3, 2000. She has long red hair and turquoise-blue eyes. Her skin is very light. She and Glen have known each other from a very young age.
When the city broke down Synthia and Glen met up at the city theater. She then unknowingly led the Afterlives into the heart of the city. There they managed to escape and found their way into the woods.
Synthia had a little apartment by a nearby shopping mall.
Now she's fighting for survival against the wilderness and the Afterlives.
Glen Long
Glen is 21 years old. He was born on November 10, 1998. He has short brown hair and(as described in the first post) his eyes are green with brown around the center. His skin is slightly tanned.
When the Afterlives came after the city fell, he found Synthia by the city theater. He followed her throughout the city until they escaped to the cold woods.
Glen lived in an apartment in a building close to Synthia's.
He fights alongside Synthia.
Dalton Ember
Dalton is 32 years old. He was born April 22, 1987. He has dark blonde hair and green eyes. He has very light colored skin like Synthia.
The Afterlives did come to their city, but for an unknown reason they didn't destroy it. Everybody dissappeared but he stayed in the basement of his building. He then went up back to his apartment a few hours before Synthia and Glen came.
He took them in to save them from the Afterlives.
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